Benefits of a Remarketing Campaign for Your Business

There are tons of ways to drive traffic to a website. Each technique follows a certain system that helps businesses reach their online marketing goals.

One of the fast-rising online marketing techniques these days is Remarketing. It’s a unique advertising strategy that targets people who have previously been to your website and entices them to respond to your recent offers. It’s a strategy that helps businesses dominate their industry.

Here are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy with Remarketing:

Customized Ad Copy

It’s common-sense to have different Ad copy for those visiting your website for the first time and those who have already been to your site. Remarketing gives you the power to tailor-make your Ad copy to the individual. For example, you may display the tagline “10% off on sign-up” for first time visitors, while for returning visitors, you could say “Check out what you’ve missed!”

Think of it this way, would you speak to someone you’ve just met the same way you speak to a person whom you’ve known for years? Of course not. The same goes for Remarketing. Having the ability to adjust your Ad copy for different audiences can lead to a closer connection to your website readers.


Of course, one obvious benefit of Remarketing is brand exposure. When your ad banners go up on other websites, you will be seen by thousands of online users. More exposure can increase the number of potential customers visiting and buying from your website.

Higher Conversion Rate

Increased brand exposure could yield higher conversion rates. The more your brand is exposed, the more opportunity you have to convince your target audience of the value of your recent offers.

Ads Relevancy

One unique feature of Remarketing is that, it gives you the ability to advertise based on previous actions. This means, when a visitor who clicks on a specific product page, he or she would most likely see relevant ads based on that product throughout the Web. A good example would be, if a visitor clicks (or purchases) a smartphone, he or she will see ads for accessories for that certain phone.

If you would like to apply this strategy to your business, talk to us and we’ll gladly assist you in creating effective remarketing campaigns to suit your needs and industry.


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